Thursday, December 13, 2007

We're off again...

Well, we have been in Secret Harbour (south of Perth situated between Rockingham and Mandurah for those keeping track on the map) for almost a week already. This holiday is going so much faster than we ever expected.

We decided to leave early on Wednesday morning (around 5am) on our next adventure. For this we have been joined by Karen's brother Steve and sister Shirley. I don't think that they have been on a holiday together in over 20 years, so this is quite the experience for them.

First off, we travelled south towards Albany on the southern coast of Australia. On our way, we stop at the Valley of the Giants and toured a Tingle Tree forest, walked on the Tree Top Walkway built above the forest, and spent time touring this magnificent forest. They are far short of the Giant Redwoods of California, but big nonetheless. From there, we went on to Denmark, spent some time on a beach there - where we fought off the flies. This time of year in Western Australia, the easterly breezes bring in the flies - in numbers you cannot imagine. How the people of this land can stand them, we will never know. In fact - Lei finally succumb and bought a fly net to protect herself.

From there, on to Albany - which is the other side of Antarctica across the Southern Ocean. When the breeze comes in from the south - it is enough to take your breath away. The Coastline is fabulous - and the amazing thing is you can match this coastline to the coastline in Antarctica as they were attached once about 35 million years ago. Now Australia is drifting about 5 cm north ever year further away from the cold of the Antarctic. Another million years or so - perhaps Albany will be tropic - but for now - we can assure you that it is not.

1 comment:

Logger said...

Very attractive fly net! Keep on the great posts. Glad to hear the there are other folks who vacation only once every 20 years. Lei, you had me convinced I was off the map of normal! Some of us are pro's at vicarious vacationing. Linda