Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How do you tell the difference between Beautiful and Awesome???

Mallacoota is beautiful. Just seems to be difficult to decide what is pretty, what is beautiful and what is awesome.
We have left Victoria and entered New South Wales. Eden, our first port of call has an amazing 24 hour tourist information area. So we collected all the goodies we need to get beyond Sydney. The terrain is often like Scotland (if it was hot), rolling hills and forrestation with the occasional block of palm trees! Tried to do a Whale watch - but was cancelled - sea was too choppy. We'll keep trying.

This is the amazing bay that we stopped at for lunch (from our own kitchen of course) and ended up in Turroes Head at a beachfront site.

WOW! Dolphins playing in the bay, rabbits playing on the site, flocks of parrots and cockatoos divebombing us and Karen saw an Emu on the sandbank. It's all so unreal - can't wait for the next leg of the journey.


Unknown said...

This looks awesome! I am soooo jealous!

Did you manage to buy a guitar?


Logger said...

You two are making my day...eight hours at the trade, exit the building in the dark and spitting snow, stop for errands, take out for dinner, glass of wine and ahh...tuning in to the sights of down under from my chair in Kochville. Not to raise the preasure to post, but hope hangs in the balance here! Have fun! Linda