Sunday, November 18, 2007

Reliving the 60's...

Today we have left South West Rocks, driven to a small village called Nambucca which has such a lovely feel about it, and investigated small town life in New South Wales. Nambucca has many things going for it - but one of them is this fantastic Mosiac Wall that really draws your eye to it.

From there, up the coastline stopping for lunch at Yamba - and taking a well deserved walk on the beach enjoying the kite surfers and their antics. Even managed to do a self portrait of the two of us. We then continued northwards till we got to Lennox Head where we watched someone being taught to Hang Glide - must be an amazing experience.

Finally, we have arrived in Byron Bay - home of some real 'alternate' living and some people who looked like they simply moved from Berkley, Ca. in 1969 straight to Byron Bay and have hidden here ever since. The good news is we can break out all of our old outfits from our University days and they would be right in style. The bad news is - they no longer fit us - life just isn't fair.

We decided since it was Saturday that we would spend Sunday as a relax day - not drive anywhere and not tempt fate with the Van since if it were to break down again we would be without any assistance until the Monday - so we have had a lovely day - sitting and reading on the beach, window shopping in Byron Bay and just taking in the atmosphere. Due to Karen's son Chris' constant nagging - Lei has also decided that if fate takes a hand and we see a decent Guitar for a reasonable price - we are going to buy it so that we have some music for the beach in the evening. Wish us luck on that...

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