Follow the adventures of Lei and Karen as they travel across the the East Coast of Australia - 2007/08...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Sorry if our posting seems sporadic - but we end up having to wait till we get access to the internet prior to putting our adventures on the site. So we go from nothing to 2 or 3 that we have on file. Hope that this works for everyone.
Must be amazing to see all the animals and birds. Hope the gale-like weather was just a fluke and that it will be sunshine and fun from here on. Keep posting, but have fun. Sporatic posting is fine.
Karen is a retired headteacher from Yorkshire who enjoys travel now that she has the time. Lei is a transplanted American who has lived and worked in Manufacturing in the UK for the past 19 years and has retired to Scotland.
You guys look to be having a ball and the weather looks both awesome and beautiful.
Just so you is dark and pouring down with rain here (at 4pm).
Loving the posts and the pictures, looks wonderful...
Take care, Izzy xx
You look to be having soo much fun!!
Keep up the postings, its so exciting to check out your site and share your pics, keep them coming!!
Must be amazing to see all the animals and birds. Hope the gale-like weather was just a fluke and that it will be sunshine and fun from here on. Keep posting, but have fun. Sporatic posting is fine.
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